The PF800-PS24 is a switched power supply (smps). This switched power supply converts an AC voltage from 230V to 24V DC voltage (stabilised).
The PF series power supplies are characterised by high quality, high efficiency and high reliability. In addition, both current and voltage are adjustable.
This allows you to use this power supply unit as a voltage source, battery charger or as an LED driver. This power supply is not suitable for inductive loads, such as an electric motor or pump.
Output 24V DC – 30A
This stabilised 24V power supply can supply a DC current of up to 30A and a power of 800W.
The output voltage is adjustable on the front side between 0 and 36V and the current between 0 and 30A.
The 24V power supply unit is short-circuit proof and protected against overheating. Due to the wide input range and the wide voltage and current setting range, the power supply can be used for many purposes.
Adjustable current source 0 – 30A
Besides being an adjustable voltage source, this switched power supply can also be used as an adjustable current source. The PF800-PS24 has a strict current limitation, so the maximum current can be set exactly using an ammeter.
Battery charger
If the PF800-PS24 is set to 27,3V it serves perfectly as a constant voltage charger (IU charging characteristic).
This stabilised power supply can remain connected to the battery without any risk of overloading. This is because the charging current slowly decreases as the battery becomes full.
800W LED driver
Because the current is adjustable from 0 to 30A the PF800-PS24 can also be used as a LED driver.
The 24V power supply unit is then used as a constant current LED driver.
External control
The power supply is also available with a connection for external control (model PF800-PS24-AI). The current and/or the voltage can be regulated by means of an analogue voltage (0 to 5V).
For example, it is possible to control the power supply through a PLC, or through external potentiometers. For the latter case, DWE has developed a PF-UIC1 that connects to the switched power supply via a plug-in cable. This circuit board with potentiometers on it can be mounted at some distance from the power supply, for instance on a panel.
In the same way, it is also possible to select different voltages and/or currents via a selector switch, all from one power supply. See the datasheet for more information.
Are you interested in this power supply with external control? Then choose the model PF800-PS24-AI.