Transformers and frequency converters
Transformers raise or lower an alternating voltage. They can also be used to separate two circuits.
DWE supplies transformers from 10VA to 100kVA, both standard models and custom-made ones. These are transformers that are suitable for 50Hz or 60Hz. A transformer only changes the voltage, not the frequency; for this, you need a frequency inverter.
Custom transformers and frequency inverters
Whether you are looking for a frequency inverter, a 1-phase transformer, a net transformer, an autotransformer, a toroidal transformer or a 3-phase transformer, we can supply them. Just what you need.
If you are looking for a transformer or frequency inverter, please contact us and we will be happy to help you. Please state the input voltage, the desired output voltage(s) and the power. We look forward to hearing from you!
Standard models
Below you will find an overview of the standard models.